No precipitation is expected over the weekend in the west and northwest of the country with a spur of the anticyclone. And in the rest of the republic, precipitation in the form of sleet and rain, with icy conditions, is expected with the passage of atmospheric fronts and in the south of the country with the influence of the cyclone trough, in the east of the country snow with a blizzard and gusty winds. Fog is also expected in the republic.
Nighttime air temperatures in the west are expected to be -5-13 ° C, in the northwest -13-21 ° C, an increase in nighttime temperatures in the north at night to -7-15 ° C, in the east and in the center to -12-20 ° C, a decrease in the south to -1-15 °C, in the south-east up to -5-10 °C, in mountainous areas up to -13-23°C