Congratulations on the anniversary!

IconPublished 17.09.2020

September 19, 2020 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of one of the prominent scientists of hydrologists in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries, a specialist in mathematical modeling of hydrological processes and development of methods of hydrological calculations and forecasts, candidate of geographical Sciences, Vsevolod Viktorovich Golubtsov.
Vsevolod Viktorovich devoted his entire working life to the study of water resources in Kazakhstan. For more than 60 years, V. V. Golubtsov's scientific activity has been connected with the hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In Kazakhstan, in the CIS countries, as well as in foreign countries, he is known as a major specialist in the field of mathematical modeling of 207 hydrological processes and the development of methods for hydrological calculations and forecasts.
Based on the results of his research, he has prepared and published more than 100 papers, co-authored four monographs and authored the monograph "Modeling the flow of mountain rivers in conditions of limited information". He presented the main points of his scientific activity at Hydrological congresses, numerous international symposiums and conferences. Golubtsov V. V. was awarded the badge "excellent hydrometeorological Service of the USSR", entered in the book of Honor of the state hydrometeorological Committee of the USSR.
The staff of RSE" Kazhydromet " cordially congratulates Vsevolod Viktorovich on his anniversary and wishes him good health and well-being.

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