Forecast of the Caspian sea level for September 24-29, 2020

IconPublished 25.09.2020

The Caspian sea appeared about 10 million years ago after the division of the Sarmatian sea into two parts. The second part was the Black sea.In the North direction, the sea stretches for more than 1000 kilometers, and in the East – for 435.
RSE "Kazhydromet" makes a weekly forecast of the Caspian sea level. In the Northern part of the Caspian sea, the level is expected to fluctuate around minus 28.09 m with a rise to a maximum of minus 27.89 m and a fall to a minimum of minus 28.30 m.
In The middle part of the Caspian sea, sea level fluctuation is expected around minus 28.28 m with a rise to a maximum of minus 27.98 m and a fall to a minimum of minus 28.66 m.
The actual state of the water surface of the Caspian sea for the period from 17 to 22 September 2020 corresponds to the previous weekly forecast.
The visual shoreline of the largest closed reservoir is shown in a satellite image for September 21, 2020. A snapshot of the NASA project.
All information on the Caspian sea is available on the website of RSE "Kazhydromet"

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