Weather forecast for October 2020 for the Republic of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 01.10.2020

Snowstorms can be observed here, and in the coldest years, snow cover can also be established.
According to the Advisory forecast, in October 2020, frequent inflows of cold Arctic air masses to the North-Eastern, Central, and South-Eastern regions of Kazakhstan are expected, and heat removal from the Eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea to the South-West of the country. As a result, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be around the climate norm in most of the Republic. Above the norm by 1°C in the South-Western half of Kazakhstan, below the norm by 1°C in the North-Eastern part of the country.
In October of this year, the amount of precipitation is predicted to be about normal in most of Kazakhstan, more than normal - in the North-Eastern half of the country and in the East of the Almaty region.
In the coming days, dry and Sunny weather is expected in most of the Republic. In the Northern half of the country, the air temperature at night will be-2+7°C, during the day the air will gradually warm up to+12+20°C, in the southern half and in the West - at night it is expected +5+13°C, in the afternoon +17+25°C. From October 5, precipitation will occur with the Northern cyclone and the passage of the Arctic atmospheric fronts.In the Northern half, rain may turn to sleet, fogs and wind gusts of up to 15-23 m/s are not excluded. With the cessation of precipitation, cold nights and clear windless days typical for autumn will come.Only in the West and South-West of the country will the weather remain without precipitation. The air temperature is expected to decrease in the first decade:
to the West in the middle of the period at night to 0,+5°C, during the day to +12+17°C;
in the North, North-West, center and East in the middle and end of the period at night to-1-8°C, during the day to 0,+7°C;
in the South, South-East at the end of the decade at night to 0,+5°C, in mountainous and foothill areas frosts are possible up to 3 degrees, in the afternoon up to +7+12°C;
in the South-West in the middle of the decade at night to +5+12°C, in the afternoon to +15+20°C.
At the end of the first decade, the air temperature will increase in the beginning in the West of Kazakhstan, then in the rest of the Republic.
In the second and third decades of October, unstable weather is forecast for most of Kazakhstan: rain – mainly in the southern and Western regions, precipitation(rain with a transition to sleet) – in the Northern, Central, Eastern regions, as well as in mountainous and foothill areas of the South-East of the country.
With heat waves on some days in the South-Western, southern and South-Eastern half of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the air can warm up to +15+25°C in the afternoon, and up to +10+20°C in the North, center and East.
During cold waves, the air temperature may drop:
in the North-Western, Northern, Central and Eastern regions of the Russian Federation at night to-1-10°C, in the daytime to 0,+5°C;
in the southern and South-Western half of the country at night to -5+5°C, during the day to +2+10°C.

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