In the permanent section about professional devices RSE "Kazhydromet" today will talk about the Gas chromatograph

IconPublished 08.10.2020

A gas chromatograph is a device based on the analytical method of gas chromatography.

The principle of operation of the gas chromatograph is based on the separation of the test sample into separate chemical components and determining their quantity by changing individual physical parameters using a detector. The use of modern systems for chromatographic analysis ensures high accuracy of the results obtained.

The test sample is fed to the device via the input system. The movement of the analyzed substance is provided by the flow of an inert carrier gas, which does not affect the accuracy of the results obtained.

The number of components is determined using the following technology:

The mixture of the analyzed substance and the carrier gas enters a chromatographic column, which is a tube filled with various types of sorbents. To maintain optimal temperature conditions, the column is placed in a thermostat. When the mixture passes through the device, the individual components are partially absorbed by the sorbents used. This makes it possible to divide the source stream into several components containing individual substances.
The components obtained as a result of chromatographic separation are fed to the detector, which allows determining the quantitative content of an element by changing the physical characteristics of the substance. Changes in the thermal conductivity of the mixture, the amount of ionization currents that occur, pressure, and other parameters that allow determining the concentration of the substance are taken into account.
Gas chromatograph is used in analytical laboratories of the RSE "Kazhydromet" network to determine the mass concentration of pollutants.

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