Nur-Sultan weather station - 150 years old

IconPublished 02.11.2020

RSE "Kazhydromet" has 15 regional branches throughout Kazakhstan and meteorological monitoring is carried out at 330 meteorological stations located in all regions of the country. On the territory of modern Kazakhstan, observations and weather forecasts began in the middle of the 19th century. Of the 330 meteorological stations, 35 have a century-long history of observations.
Today, the Nur-Sultan weather station is celebrating its 150th anniversary! The first meteorological station on the territory of modern Nur-Sultan was opened on November 1, 1870 by K. A. Lazarev. In 1873, the Main physical Observatory sent the enthusiast a complete set of tools for conducting meteorological observations and instructions from academician G. I. wild. To equip the new station, K. A. Lazarev chose a place in the southern part of the fortification, 100 m from the river Bank. Esil.From that moment on, K. A. Lazarev became the chief correspondent of the Main physical Observatory. After his departure, the weather station operated until 1885.
The peculiarity of the capital station is that it is located in a historic building Dating back to 1916. This is an architectural monument built by the Yekaterinburg Observatory on behalf of the Nikolaev main physical Observatory and is associated with the birth of the city's meteorological service. To date, it has been used for its original purpose.
Today it is a modern weather station equipped with all necessary instruments and equipment. The station measures air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloud cover, visibility, wind, precipitation, and soil surface temperature 8 times a day; and monitors adverse and dangerous weather events.
Educational work is also organized at the station – there are excursions for schoolchildren and students of the capital.
Over a century and a half, the instruments have changed, not a single generation of station employees has changed, but the work schedule remains unchanged. Around the clock, in any conditions, provides information for making weather forecasts and accumulating long-term data.

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