Brief agrometeorological review

IconPublished 30.11.2020

RSE "Kazhydromet" regularly publishes decade-long reviews of agrometeorological conditions in Kazakhstan and publishes an overview on its official website.
According to the results of agrometeorological observations in the second decade of November 2020, the prevailing meteorological conditions in the South and South-East of the country caused the termination of winter wheat vegetation, which in the absence of snow cover can cause freezing of crops. Precipitation near and above normal was favorable for the accumulation of soil moisture. In the past ten days of November, grazing was carried out throughout the territory of pasture livestock.
According to the November 20, poor condition of the grass continues to be observed in Zhanibek district of West Kazakhstan region (MS Zhanibek), in Irgiz district of Aktobe region (MS Nur) and in Zhambyl district of Almaty region (MS aydarly), continues to experience a very poor state of the grass in the Kaztalov district of West Kazakhstan region, the rest of the grazing noted in the main satisfactory condition of grass.
Lower air temperatures and frosts on the soil surface slow down the growth of seeded grasses, which caused the termination of vegetation in the Almaty and Zhambyl regions and in some areas in the Turkestan region.
On the last day of the decade, the dry state of the sod was observed in the Karmakchi district (MS Karak) Kyzylorda region. Crude as sod according to the agrometeorological network was observed in the Irgiz district, Aktyubinsk region and Moyinkum district of Zhambyl region, the rest of the grazing turf was frozen.

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