Advisory weather forecast for Kazakhstan for January 2021

IconPublished 25.12.2020

January is the coldest month of the year. Long-term data in the invasion of Arctic air from Siberia the increase of absolute minimum air temperature is possible down to-48-54°C (for example, January 5, 1893. in the capital of the Republic was recorded -51,6°C, more near the date of record January 10, 1996. -37,7°C ), and in southern areas to -30-43°C (29 Jan 1969. on M Almaty noted -30,1°C, more middle record – January 21, 2012. -23,2°C).
The maximum air temperature rises in some years to +3+9°C (January 9, 1948. in the capital of the Republic was +5.0°C, the nearest date of January 08, 2015. +3.8°C ), in the southern part of Kazakhstan to +15+22°C (January 5, 1940. on m Almaty was + 16.8°C, the nearest date of the absolute maximum on M Shymkent falls on January 04, 2002. +22.2°C).
The amount of precipitation in January is distributed unevenly across the territory of Kazakhstan. In most of the Republic falls from 10 to 30 mm. In the mountainous and foothill regions of the South, South-East and East, the amount of precipitation increases (up to 40-82 mm). According to historical data, the maximum number of them was noted in 1969 on the Chuuldak mountain (214 mm), in the capital of the Republic the record was set in 1928 and 110 mm fell. For comparison, in January last year, 10 mm fell in a month, with a norm of 16 mm.
According to the Advisory forecast, in January 2021, the air temperature is expected to be about normal – in most of the Republic, below the norm by 1°C – in the Eastern part of Kazakhstan.
The amount of precipitation in most of the Republic is predicted to be about normal, more than normal-in the far West of the Republic, less than normal – in the North-West, in the center, in places in the North and South of Kazakhstan,
In January, several waves of cold weather are expected – in the first and third decades. A significant drop in air temperature should be expected in the second half of January, when the air temperature will drop:
in the Northern, Central and Eastern regions at night up to-25-35°C, in some places up to 39°C, in the afternoon up to-20-27°C;
on the West of the country at night to-20-27°C the day before -10-20°C;
in the southern and South-Eastern regions at night to-15-25°C, sometimes 30°to -7-15°C.

Note: the forecast for the month should be used as an Advisory, which is later clarified by the weather forecasts for the decade.

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