The head of the Ministry of Ecology on the adoption of the Ecocodex: "Kazakhstan is getting on stable ecological rails”

IconPublished 02.01.2021

Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev spoke about the adoption of a new Environmental Code. On Saturday, Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev signed the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
"Today, the Head of State signed the new Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Specialists of the Ministry of Ecology, the public of the country, the deputy corps worked on the creation of this strategic document. The Code, thanks to the coordinated and time-consuming work of all of the above, meets all modern challenges, contains a whole package of effective norms designed to improve the ecology of our country. With the adoption of the Eco-Code, Kazakhstan is getting on stable and strong ecological rails," Mirzagaliyev wrote on his Twitter page on Saturday.
The Head of the Ministry of Ecology informed that this year the Ministry will have to develop and launch about 150 regulatory legal acts to implement the provisions of the Code; continue a comprehensive technological audit of the country's industrial giants.
"Work will also continue on creating directories of the best available technologies, the introduction of which will significantly reduce the harm to the environment," the minister said.
The Minister also clarified that the Code will come into force on July 1, 2021.
"I would like to sincerely thank everyone who took part in the development of the key document of the country – the Eco-Codex," the Minister thanked.

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