Since January 1, 2021, ozone is measured in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk at two automatic stations

IconPublished 12.01.2021

Based on the recommendations of the Program of Socio-economic Research (hereinafter - PSEI), conducted by the Finnish Meteorological Institute, RSE "Kazhydromet" carried out work on expanding the observation network for monitoring the ozone content in the atmospheric air of cities and settlements of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
From January 1, 2021, ozone is measured in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk at two automatic air quality control stations located at the following addresses: 18 L. Tolstoy Street and so on. Shakarima, 79.
In addition to ozone, PM-2.5 and PM-10 concentrations are also measured automatically at these stations.
According to the recommendations of the PSEI, the number of stations that determine a particular pollutant in the air depends on the population, for example, for the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk (346 thousand people), the minimum number of stations for monitoring suspended particles PM-2.5 and PM-10 is 2 units; ozone-1 station.
Currently, RSE "Kazhydromet" conducts full-fledged monitoring of atmospheric air quality in Ust-Kamenogorsk, but given the high environmental load, a large number of industrial facilities, numerous complaints of the population about air quality and frequent diseases, RSE "Kazhydromet" in the current 2021 year plans to purchase an additional 3 automatic stations of atmospheric air quality, as well as to automate the existing 5 manual sampling posts.
The new stations will be equipped with sensors for suspended particles PM-2.5, PM-10, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide and dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide.
Thus, by the end of 2021, 10 stations will operate in Ust-Kamenogorsk, determining the suspended particles RM-2.5 and RM-10.

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