On January 20, 2021, planned observations were made on the cutting down of monoliths of wintering crops.

IconPublished 21.01.2021

The technician-agrometeorologist of the meteorological station Esik together with the leading engineers-agrometeorologists of the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in Almaty extracted 4 monoliths with alfalfa to determine the viability of agricultural crops.
At the time of extraction of the monoliths, the freezing of the soil was 38 cm, and the height of the snow ranged from 18 to 20 cm.
The parameters of the seized monoliths are 30*30*20 see
This type of work allows us to determine how the process of overwintering an agricultural crop goes.
This type of observation requires good physical training.
The next cutting of the monoliths is planned for February 20 this year.

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