Brief agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of January 2021

IconPublished 26.01.2021

In the second decade of January, in the south and south-east of the republic in the areas of winter crops cultivation, the temperature background was mainly above the norm by 1...4C, only in places the air temperature was below the long-term average values by 1...3C, in the west of the country the temperature was below the norm by 1...2C. Precipitation in the south-east fell more than normal, which favors the formation of moisture reserves in the soil, in the west precipitation was below normal.
The thaw in Almaty and Zhambyl regions can lead to a loss of winter wheat hardening, which contributes to a decrease in the winter hardiness of plants.
The lack of snow cover in the fields in the Turkestan region can affect the passage of winter wheat overwintering in severe frosts.
In the West Kazakhstan region, in the areas of winter grain crops cultivation, a stable snow cover (20-29 cm) remains, which had a protective effect on the plants, so the low temperature on the soil surface (minus 25C) was not so dangerous for overwintering.
In the predominant territory of pasture livestock farming, animals were grazed. In Kostanay region, the animals continue to be kept in stables.
In the second decade of January, in the areas of animal grazing in the west of the republic, the average snow height reached 5-10 cm. In the north of Kazakhstan, the average snow height was in the range of 10-28 cm, in the east - 10 cm. In the south of the country, the snow height reached 2-3 cm, but mostly there was no snow.
The pastures were mostly moderately and slightly grazed. Heavily grazed pastures continue to be observed in Zhambyl in some areas of the Almaty region and in the Karaganda region.
In Kyzylorda oblast in Western Kazakhstan area was observed dry condition of the sod, the rest of the grazing turf was frozen.

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