Brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of February 2021

IconPublished 17.02.2021

In the first decade of February, in the areas of winter crops cultivation in the south, south-east and west of the republic, the temperature background was higher than normal by 1 ... 6C, heavy precipitation fell everywhere, which will favorably affect the formation of moisture reserves in the soil.
In the West Kazakhstan region, the snow height was from 12 to 28 cm, which had a satisfactory effect on the overwintering of winter grain crops.
The minimum soil temperature in the Almaty region ranged from minus 2C to minus 10C in the Turkestan region it ranged from 0C to minus 1 C.
Grazing of animals was carried out everywhere at the points of observation of pasture animal husbandry. Animals in the Arkalyk district of Kostanay continue to be kept in the stable.
As of February 10, pastures were moderately grazed on the main territory of pasture livestock farming. Strong grazing of pastures continues to be noted in the Karaganda West Kazakhstan regions.
In the past decade, in some places on the territory of pasture livestock farming, a strong snowstorm was observed (North Kazakhstan, Karaganda regions) and heavy snowfall (Karaganda, Zhambyl regions). Also, due to unfavorable weather conditions, grazing of animals in the Aktobe and Atyrau regions was complicated.

More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of February 2021 can be found by clicking on the link

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