In Kazakhstan, weather observations have been conducted for more than a century. In the West Kazakhstan region, there are stations that have been operating for more than 100 years.

IconPublished 02.03.2021

Meteorological observations in the village of Urda, West Kazakhstan region began back in 1915. When the first observations were made, the station was located on the southern edge of the village. On April 21, 1928, the weather site was moved once in the entire history of its existence to the south-eastern outskirts of the settlement and installed on the top of the dune.
Without interruptions, observations have been conducted here since 1936. The name of the station has not changed since its foundation. This year, the Urda Weather Station celebrated its 106th birthday.
From 1936 to 1942, the station operated under the rain gauge station program, and from 1942 - under the Category II weather station program.
The village of Urda is located in the north-west of the Caspian lowland. The surrounding area belongs to the flat sand-desert steppes and is a monotonous plain, with a slight slope from the northeast to the southwest. Absolute terrain marks from 15 to 40-50 m. In the eastern elevated part, the surrounding area is occupied by bumpy sands, among which the village of Urda is located. In a vast depression (a depression up to-15 meters above sea level) to the south of the village there are "Salty mud Khaki" - a salt marsh strip. In other directions, a clay desert plain. In the area of the village there are several small rivers that get lost in the sand and dry up in the summer. The level of the groundwater table 3 M.

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