Abnormal February 2021 in Kazakhstan

IconPublished 03.03.2021

February was also a surprise this year, with temperature records and precipitation records in the republic.
In most parts of the country, precipitation fell to one or more monthly norm.For example, during the month at the weather station Ridder (East Kazakhstan region), precipitation fell 64 mm (at a rate of 17 mm per month), in Nur-Sultan-32 mm (at a rate of 15 mm). In addition, in the southern regions, precipitation was observed mainly in the form of rain, but the northern regions were no exception, where snow was replaced by rain. And also in most parts of the republic there were fogs with reduced visibility up to 50-500 m, ice, wind strengthening 15-20, sometimes 23-28 m/s, in the north, south and south-east of the country there was a hurricane wind with gusts up to 32-35 m/s with a blizzard.
During the month there were often the temperature "swing". The air temperature rose and fell sharply. So at the beginning of the month and in the second half of the second decade in the north, north-west, center and east of the country, daytime air temperatures reached +1+5°C, in the south-west +10+13°C, in the south, south-east +15+25°C, which became a record of absolute daily highs compared to last year. In the third decade of February, on the contrary, with the flow of cold air masses from the Arctic seas, the air temperature significantly decreased in the northern regions to-30-37°C, in the west to-25-30°C, in the southern half of the country to-17-25°C.
The lowest air temperature in the capital was recorded on February 10 and was -28.8°C, the absolute minimum for this day is -40.2°C, which was indexed in 1969. But at the same time, on February 18, 2021, the daily air temperature was + 5.1°C, thereby blocking the absolute maximum of 1946, when the thermometer rose to +1.6°C in the afternoon.

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