Weekly hydrological forecast for the period 20-26 March 2021

IconPublished 21.03.2021

RSE "Kazhydromet" has released the next weekly hydrological forecast for the period of March 20-26, 2021. The area of the territory of Kazakhstan covered with snow calculated by RSE "Kazhydromet" for the period 11.03-19.03.2021, according to NASA satellite images, increased from 62 % to 69%.
According to the weekly synoptic forecast for March 20-26, 2021, the weather in most of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the period will be determined by a cyclone from the Black Sea, precipitation in the form of rain and snow is expected, heavy precipitation in the south and south-east of the country, and therefore, the formation of slope runoff in these regions is expected. From the middle of the period, the Western anticyclone will shift to the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will cause a short-term decrease in air temperature, as well as weather mainly without precipitation. By the end of the period, another Mediterranean cyclone with a large supply of heat and moisture will again cause unstable weather and an increase in the temperature background.
Further snowmelt, weakening of ice phenomena and rising water levels in the rivers of the lowland and mountainous territories of Kazakhstan are expected.
For more information, please follow the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/gidrologiya/gidrologicheskiy-prognoz

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