Weekly hydrological forecast for the period from 17 to 23 April 2021

IconPublished 17.04.2021

RSE "Kazhydromet" has released the next weekly hydrological forecast for the period from 17 to 23 April 2021. The area of the territory of Kazakhstan covered with snow calculated by the RSE "Kazhydromet" for the period from 9 to 16 April 2021, according to NASA satellite images, decreased from 22% to 3%.
As of April 15 of this year, the snow cover has completely disappeared in most of the basins of lowland rivers. According to the station and posts in the basins of the Selety and Kalkutan rivers in the Akmola region and Esil in the North Kazakhstan region, the degree of snow cover is less than 5 points, mostly preserved in the hills.
On the rivers of West Kazakhstan, Karaganda, and Aktobe regions, the flood peaks have been passed.
On the rivers of the Akmola and Kostanay regions, the passage of the peaks of the spring flood is observed. In the North Kazakhstan region, the passage of high water peaks is expected in the second half of April, which will continue until the first half of May.
According to the weekly synoptic forecast, rain is expected over the weekend with the passage of atmospheric frontal sections in most of Kazakhstan, in the west and south with thunderstorms.
From April 19, with the invasion of a cold anticyclone from the areas of the Scandinavian Peninsula in the northern, north-western, central and eastern regions, from April 20-21 and in the southern regions of Kazakhstan, precipitation is expected, rain with a transition to snow, in the east, south and south-east of the republic there will be heavy precipitation with hail and squally winds. Ice and fog are forecast, in the northern regions – a snowstorm, lowering the air temperature at night to 5-12 degrees below zero, in the southern regions the temperature will drop to 0-5 degrees, in places freezing to 3-5 degrees.
For more information, please follow the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/gidrologiya/gidrologicheskiy-prognoz

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