Presentation of a web application for farmers

IconPublished 11.05.2021

On behalf of the Minister of Ecology M. Mirzagaliyev, RSE "Kazhydromet "in 2020 developed and launched a new Internet application" AgroData " to provide agrometeorological services to farmers and farms. The web application is available to the user from any mobile device via the link and does not require downloading.
The "AgroData" application for farmers publishes, free of charge, actual and predictive agrometeorological information obtained on the basis of the state observation network. It reflects: recommended sowing dates, forecast of soil moisture reserves, droughts and yields, and weather forecasts.
The "AgroData" application publishes the results of observations using remote sensing of the Earth (ERS). Satellite images allow you to see the general state of crop development in summer and the distribution of snow cover over the territory of Kazakhstan in winter.
This information allows you to correctly plan the dates of field processing, effectively plan the entry of agricultural machinery into the field during sowing and harvesting operations, optimize the consumption of fuel and lubricants, and also ensures timely harvesting without loss of grain quality.
According to experts, the service of peasant and farm information published in the web application allows you to reduce the cost of production by up to 10% and increase the yield by up to 40%.
In 2021, with the support of CAREC (Republican Environmental Center of Central Asia), RSE "Kazhydromet" implemented the DSSAT forecasting model. This product allows you to simulate the growth and development of agricultural crops by determining the most optimal amount of irrigation and fertilization for a good harvest.
Previously, agrometeorological information was provided free of charge to more than 80 farms, more than 500 thousand hectares were served. Farmers noted a decrease in their own expenses by 5-10%.

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