Short-term heat relief

IconPublished 19.05.2021

On May 20, with the invasion of cold air masses from the Kara Sea, a short-term decrease in air temperatures is expected in most of the republic, with the exception of the western and southern regions. At night, in the northern, north-western, central, eastern, and south-eastern regions, frosts of up to 2 degrees are expected in some places. But on the afternoon of May 21, with the removal of warm air masses from the regions of Iran, temperatures are expected to increase: in the northern, north-western, central regions to 25-33 degrees Celsius, in the south-to 35 degrees Celsius. With the passage of atmospheric frontal systems, in some places there will be rains with thunderstorms, squally winds, hail may fall, on May 20-21 in the east and south-east of the country, heavy rain is expected in some places. At night and in the morning, fog is expected in some regions of the republic.

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