Implementation issues discussed in the capital Concepts for Kazakhstan's transition to a "green economy"

IconPublished 25.05.2021

On May 30, 2013, Kazakhstan approved the "Concept for the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a "green economy", aimed at increasing the innovation and competitiveness of the state.
The round table "Green Economy" – the paradigm of innovative and sustainable development of Kazakhstan", organized by the Library of the Elbasy together with the UN Program PAGE "Partnership for Action on the Green Economy" and the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, was timed to this date.
The event was attended by Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan A. N. Nazarbayeva, Director of the Library of Elbasy B. B. Temirbolat, Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan M. M. Mirzagaliyev, member of the Board of Directors of the UN PAGE, Director of the Planet division in UNITAR A.McKay, Deputy of the Mazhilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan E. N. Abakanov, Professor of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Academician of the Russian Ecological Academy S. N. Bobylev, Permanent Representative of the UNDP in Kazakhstan Y. Berish and other well-known figures and experts in the field of environmental protection and conservation.
Representatives of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, youth labor groups "Zhasyl El", teaching staff, undergraduates and doctoral students of the Departments of Ecology and Biology of universities of Kazakhstan and volunteers of the Library of Elbasy took part in the event via video conference.
Since Independence, the strategic initiatives of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy are aimed at improving the environment, expanding the use of renewable energy sources, and cultivating a careful attitude to nature.
In 2007, at the 62nd session of the UN General Assembly, N. A. Nazarbayev proposed to develop a global energy and environmental strategy and discuss it at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development.
In 2011, at the UN session, he put forward the Green Bridge Partnership program, designed to strengthen green economic growth in the region. This program was approved at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development "Rio+20 "as an interregional mechanism for the transition to a" green " economy.
The successful implementation of one of the most significant projects of Kazakhstan – the EXPO-2017 exhibition called "Future Energy" - allowed attracting the world's best technologies in the field of energy saving, new developments and technologies for using alternative energy sources.
The Head of State K. K. Tokayev called the greening of the economy and environmental protection one of the main directions of the economic course, initiating the development of the national project "Green Kazakhstan" for 2021-2025. In the country's regions, the President's ambitious goal of planting more than 2 billion trees in forests and 15 million trees in human settlements over five years is being implemented to increase carbon sequestration and curb increasing desertification.
On July 1, this year, the new Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which complies with international legislative standards in the field of environmental protection, comes into force. Thus, Kazakhstan managed to become the first country in the post-Soviet space, where the idea of a "green economy"began to be implemented.
– This year, all Kazakhstanis are preparing to celebrate an epoch-making event of historical significance – the 30th anniversary of the country's Independence. This is not only an anniversary date, but also an opportunity to reflect on the results of the journey. Today, the expression "nature is not a temple, but a workshop" is in no way appropriate, the world community is aware of nature as a source of life and a single organism. And this means that improving the quality of life should be carried out while maintaining the natural balance and the global ecological balance of natural ecosystems. In the Address to the people of Kazakhstan 2012 "Strategy" Kazakhstan-2050". The new political course of the established state" The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev highlights global energy security and the depletion of natural resources among the global challenges of the XXI century. The idea of a "green economy" was also reflected in the course of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev. In his speeches, the President notes the idea of" greening "the economy and environmental protection, and that in the medium term, economic growth should become more" green", – said the director of the Library of the Elbasy Bakytzhan Temirbolat.
- Throughout the recent history of Kazakhstan, from the moment of independence to the present day, the Elbasy pays close attention to environmental issues. Each modernization strategy of Kazakhstan defines clear guidelines for building a sustainable and efficient model of the economy based on the country's transition to the "green" path. Today, the International Center for Green Technologies and Investment Projects establishes strategic partnerships with leading international organizations and research structures of European and Asian countries, is engaged in specific applied projects that meet all the goals and objectives of the Green Bridge Partnership Program: the transfer and implementation of green technologies, the organization of really working mechanisms for the inflow of international green investments for business in Kazakhstan, the active integration of Kazakhstan's turnover of carbon units into the global greenhouse gas market, – Aliya Nazarbayeva, Chairman of the Presidium of the Association of Environmental Organizations of Kazakhstan, noted.
– Since the beginning of the implementation of the Concept for the transition of Kazakhstan to the "green" economy of the concept, 8 years have passed, and now we can note the achievement of the following results: in the field of renewable energy sources (RES), 115 RES facilities with a total capacity of 1634.7 MW have been built and operate in the country. The projected generation of electricity by 115 RES facilities will be about 3.2 billion kWh, or 3% of the total electricity production. For 2019, the energy intensity of GDP was reduced by 33.1% from the level of 2008, the target indicator until 2025 was reached ahead of schedule. The share of processed and disposed industrial waste in 2020 was 36 %, MSW-18 %, services for the collection and disposal of waste provided 81% of the country's population. In December 2020, at the "Climate Ambition Summit", the Head of State announced that Kazakhstan is committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Last year, we started developing the Concept of Low-carbon Development. Today, the implementation of the second phase of the Concept for the Transition to a Green Economy is becoming more and more relevant. The second phase is focused on 2021-2030 and provides for measures to transform the national economy focused on the careful use of water, encouraging and stimulating the development and widespread introduction of renewable energy technologies – - said the Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan Magzum Mirzagaliyev.
Just the other day, on May 22, Elbasy called on Kazakhstanis to make as many plantings as possible.
"If all our citizens plant trees around their homes, in all cities and villages every year, we will create a "green" country. Plantings are the "lungs" of settlements, clean air, protection from the weather. We create them for the future generation, " the First President of Kazakhstan said.
This call was supported today by the participants of the round table, planting trees in the park near the Library of the Elbasy.
For more than twenty years, a real forest has grown around the main city of the country, where more than 9.6 million trees and about 1.8 million shrubs grow. Gradually expanding, the forest area should eventually connect with the Shchuchinsk-Borovskaya resort area, and then with the forests of Pavlodar, Karaganda and Kostanay regions
This year alone, more than one million additional green spaces will be planted, which will be a powerful contribution to strengthening its "green" belt, created to protect the city from the winds and create a favorable climate.

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