Advisory weather forecast for July 2021

IconPublished 01.07.2021

In July, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be 1-2° higher than normal in most of the republic, about normal in the northern half of the country.
During the month, the anticyclonic type of weather is expected to prevail on the territory of Kazakhstan, hot and low-precipitation weather is expected, only on some days with the passage of cyclones, short-term summer rains with thunderstorms are predicted, wind strengthening up to 15-25 m/s.
In the west of the republic, a gradual decrease in heat is predicted in the first decade of July, at night the thermometer columns will drop from +19+28°C to +12+23°C, in the afternoon from +30+38°C, in the southwest +41°C to +24+32°C.
In the north-west, north and center of Kazakhstan, the main background temperature will remain within the following limits: +15+25°C at night, +33+38°C in the afternoon, 41°C in some places; in the southern half of the country - +20+30°C at night, +37+45 in the afternoon, +30°C in mountainous areas, by the end of the first decade, a decrease in heat by 10-15°is predicted.
The heat will also come to the east of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the air temperature will increase at night from +12+20°C to +20+28°C, during the day from +27+35°C to +33+41°C, at the end of the decade, the air temperature is also predicted to drop by 7-10°C.
In the first decade, short-term summer rains with thunderstorms and increased wind (squall, dust storm) are likely at the beginning of the month in the west, north-west of the country, from July 05-07 in the north and center of Kazakhstan, at the end of the decade in the southern half and in the east of the country.
In the second decade of July, the air temperature is expected to increase in the west and north-west of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the beginning of the second decade, then from the middle of the decade, an increase in the temperature background is predicted throughout the republic: in
the west and north-west: at night to +22+30°C, during the day to +33+43°C;
in the north, in the center and in the east: at night up to +15+23°C, during the day up to +28+39°C;
in the south and southeast: at night up to +18 + 27°C, during the day up to +35+43°C.
In the third decade, the air temperature is expected to fluctuate in the southern half of the country at night from +10+17°From + 17+25°C, during the day from 22+33°C to +30+38°C, in the northern half at night from +5+13°C to +13+20°C, during the day from +18+26°C to +26+33°C.

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