Numerical weather forecasts

Since 2013, RSE" Kazhydromet " has been using the WRF model for numerical weather forecasts, which is one of the most versatile and modern atmospheric modeling systems. The WRF model is a freely distributed software product that is widely and successfully used for meteorological forecasting in scientific centers and national weather services of various countries. In the online mode, with the resolution of the model WRF - 2, 4, 13 and 18 km and a forecast lead time of 24 to 168 hours, the forecast of the following meteorological values is issued:

1. forecast of air temperature near the ground and at various altitudes;
2. precipitation forecast;
3. surface pressure forecast;
4. forecast of surface wind and its gusts;
5. forecast of severe frost (in the cold half-year);
6. forecast of severe heat (in the warm half-year);
7. predictive aerological charts, with a forecast of CAPE-Convective Available Potential Energy (potential energy of convective instability) for 36 hours, every 3 hours (with a model resolution of 13 km) for 26 cities of Kazakhstan;
8. Meteograms (forecast of wind, temperature and precipitation) for more than 300 cities in Central Asia.

In 2017, maps of Kazakhstan's river catchment basins were developed to improve hydrological forecasts. With the help of ARGIS SOFTWARE, they were visualized in 3D. The map clearly shows the topography – mountain areas, ravines and woodlands, as well as areas where large snow reserves can accumulate, which are taken into account in hydrological forecasts.

In 2018, the HBV (Hydrological Water-balance Model is a water – balance model of the catchment area developed by the Swedish hydrometeorological Institute) for flat rivers was adapted and launched. Currently, it is adapted for the rivers of Kazakhstan. Input data for the model are the average daily air temperature, daily precipitation, average long-term potential evaporation, and a digital terrain model.

Interactive maps will be developed and automated in 2019:

1. "monitoring of atmospheric air of the Republic of Kazakhstan", with the display of monitoring data on the state of atmospheric air on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 45 localities at 140 posts.
2. "monitoring of surface water quality of the Republic of Kazakhstan", with the display of observations of surface water quality by hydrochemical indicators on 142 hydrochemical lines distributed on 141 water bodies: 91 rivers, 31 lakes, 15 reservoirs, 3 channels and 1 sea.