Forecast and overview of the actual weather by month

IconPublished 31.12.2024

Advisory weather forecast for the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan as of March 2025

March is the first month of spring, and it is expected to be warm and rainy. The monthly average air temperature is forecast to be 2° higher than normal throughout Kazakhstan. Precipitation in March is forecast to be higher than normal in most of the republic, and about normal in the southwestern and southern parts of Kazakhstan.

The weather in March is very changeable, frosty days will alternate with warm ones, and real winter snowstorms may occur in the northern regions. Precipitation (rain, sleet) is often forecast during March, mainly in the form of rain, increased wind, fog and icy conditions in the southern half.

In the first decade of March, the air temperature will gradually rise in most parts of the republic at night from -12-20 ° C, in the center, in the east of the country from -15-26 ° C to -5 +1 °C, during the day from -3-11 ° C to -3+5 °C.

In the southern regions, the air temperature is expected to fluctuate at night from -2-10°From 0 to+8 °C, during the day from -2+8 ° C to +10+15 ° C, in the Turkestan region up to +15+20 ° C. At the end of the decade, a slight decrease in the temperature background is predicted throughout Kazakhstan.:

- in the northern half, up to -3-8°C at night, up to -5°C during the day;

- in the southern half at night up to -5 +2 ° C, in the daytime up to +3+10 ° C.

Air temperature fluctuations are expected in the second decade.:

in the northern half, at night from -10-15°C to -5+3°C, during the day from -2-13°C to +2+10°C;

in the southern half, at night from -5+5 °C to +2+10 ° C, during the day from +3+8 ° C to +10+20 °C.

In the third decade of March, temperatures are forecast to fluctuate from -5+5°C to +5+10°C at night and from +5+10°C during the day in most parts of the country.From up to +10+20°C;

in the north and northwest of the country, at night from -5-15 °C to -8 °C, during the day from -5 °C to +3+10 °C.

Note: the monthly forecast should be used as an advisory, which is subsequently adjusted as the weather situation changes and updated with weather forecasts for the decade and for 2-3 days.

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