Monitoring of atmospheric air condition
Atmospheric air monitoring is carried out in 70 settlements at 170 observation posts and with the help of mobile laboratories.
At 43 manual sampling stations, air samples are taken 3-4 times a day (07, 13, 19, 01 hours), depending on the program, and then sent to the laboratory to determine the concentrations of pollutants.Observations are carried out continuously at 127 automatic posts.
The following indicators are determined at posts and with the help of mobile laboratories: suspended particles (dust), suspended particles RM-2,5, suspended particles RM-10, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone (ground), hydrogen sulfide, phenol, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine, hydrochloride, hydrocarbons, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), ammonia, sulfuric acid, formaldehyde, methane, arsenic, cadmium, lead, chromium, copper, benzene, benzene(a)pyrene, beryllium, manganese, cobalt, zinc, nickel, mercury, equivalent dose rate of gamma radiation (gamma background).
Monitoring of precipitation and snow cover conditions
Observations of the chemical composition of precipitation (at 47 meteorological stations - monthly) and the content of pollutants in the snow cover (at 40 meteorological stations -1 time per year during the maximum moisture content in the snow) are carried out in order to assess regional atmospheric pollution and identify the distribution area of pollutants.
The following anions (sulfates, chlorides, nitrates, and bicarbonates), cations (ammonium, sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium), trace elements (lead, copper, cadmium, and arsenic), acidity, and electrical conductivity are determined in precipitation and snow samples.
Radiation monitoring
Observations of radioactive contamination of the surface layer of the atmosphere are carried out by determining the exposure dose rate of gamma radiation at 89 weather stations, at 6 manual posts and 10 automatic posts, as well as the total beta activity at 43 weather stations.
Soil condition monitoring
Soil conditions are monitored at 101 observation points. Samples are taken three times a year within populated areas and industrial areas, followed by the determination of heavy metals (lead, zinc, cadmium, copper, chromium, nickel, manganese, arsenic, mercury) and petroleum products.
Monitoring of the quality of surface waters
Surface water quality monitoring is carried out at 372 sites located at 133 water bodies (including 88 rivers, 28 lakes, 13 reservoirs, 3 channels and the Caspian Sea). When studying pollution of land surface waters, 60 physico-chemical indicators of water quality are determined in the water samples taken, including temperature, water flow, suspended solids, chromaticity, transparency, hydrogen index, dissolved oxygen, BOD-5, COD, main salt ions, biogenic elements, petroleum products, phenols, heavy metals, pesticides.
Monitoring of transboundary watercourses
RSE Kazhydromet monitors the quality of surface waters on 32 transboundary rivers: with China, the Russian Federation, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Background monitoring
Kazakhstan has organized one Borovoe integrated background monitoring station in the Akmola region in order to obtain information on the background state of biosphere pollution and trends in its change.