Today, the grand opening of the Adaldyk alany – Kazhydromet site - the Project Office "Ecology, Geology of zhane Tabigi Resursstar ministerligi – ADALDYK ALANY" was held in the building of the RSE "Kazhydromet". The event was attended by Shavkat Utemisov, the head of the project office "Ecology, Geology of Zhane tabigi resursstar ministerligi-ADALDYK ALANY" - Aigul Solovyova, the administrator of the Project Office "Ecology, Geology of Zhane Tabigi Resursstar ministerligi – ADALDYK ALANY" - Askar Rakhmatullin and representatives of the media.
Opening the new platform, the head of the staff of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Shavkat Utemisov noted that with the help of the front office of "Adaldyk alany", the ministry plans to develop an effective mechanism in the transition from the cabinet system to the open space format. This format involves a significant simplification of access to information, and an open exchange of views. This will allow us to work out solutions to solve significant problems faster and better.
Aigul Solovyova noted that Kazgiromet is the only certified body in the country whose information is not in doubt, whether it is weather forecasts, storm warnings, information about drought or atmospheric air pollution.
Askar Rakhmatullin announced that according to the Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan, RSE "Kazhydromet" was recognized as the best in the Ministry of Ecology, Geology of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the quality of the internal analysis of corruption risks, and also in turn expressed hope for fruitful cooperation and establishing feedback from the population in terms of anti-corruption risks and work on the prevention of such.
General Director of RSE "Kazhydromet" Danara Alimbayeva told the guests and the press about the anti-corruption work carried out at the Enterprise, within the framework of which it is planned to pass the certification of the Enterprise according to the international standard "ISO37001-2015 Anti-corruption Management System". The introduction of the Certificate will allow Kazhydromet to more effectively manage activities that will be aimed at reducing corruption risks. She also noted that now every citizen can discuss issues of interest and make suggestions, while the Platform allows you to contact directly or participate in live broadcasts of Kazhydromet social networks.