Awarding of the teaching staff of the Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi

IconPublished 26.07.2021

At the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management of the Kazakh National University.On July 23, Al-Farabi was honored and awarded with badges of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan for conscientious and fruitful work in the training of highly professional personnel in the field of hydrology, Meteorology and ecology of teachers of the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology:
Honorary badges were awarded to Professor Davletkaliev S. K., Professor Cherednichenko V. S., associate Professor Duysenova R. H., Associate Professor Turulina G. K., associate
professor Abdrakhimov R. G.
Badges were presented by Deputy General Director of RSE" Kazhydromet "Sairov Serik Biyakhmetovich, Director of the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in Almaty Kasymbek Talgat Nurlybayevich, Dean of the Faculty of Geography and Environmental Management Professor Vitaly Grigoryevich Salnikov. The merits of the awarded teachers in the training of specialists for the hydrometeorological service of the Republic of Kazakhstan and their long-term mutually beneficial cooperation with the RSE "Kazhydromet" on industrial, scientific and pedagogical issues were noted. In a friendly conversation, the parties confirmed their obligations to jointly resolve issues related to the organization of the educational process and the adjustment of curricula in accordance with the changing modern working conditions of hydrometeorological specialists in the future. We congratulate our colleagues on the high awards and recognition of their merits.

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