Asiya Mukhsinovna Rakhimova has been working for 42 years in the RSE "Kazhydromet", she started her career as an agrometeorologist at a meteorological station, and leaves for a well-deserved rest as a leading engineer of the Hydrometeorological Center. In 1986, she graduated from the Tashkent Hydrometeorological Technical School, and in 2005 from the Russian Hydrometeorological University.
She started her career back in 1980 as an agrometeorologist technician at the Tselinograd meteorological station. From 1986 to 1987, she worked in the city of Nurek Tajikistan as a hydrologist. In April 1987, she was accepted as a hydrologist technician at the Tselinograd Hydrometeorological Center and worked as a leading weather forecaster engineer before retiring to a well-deserved rest.
Asiya Mukhsinovna is a punctual, executive and sociable specialist. Over the years, several generations of future weather forecasters have been trained at the Hydrometeorological Center under her experienced guidance. All her students work in 15 regional branches of the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan. Her achievements are appreciated by badges and well-deserved professional awards.