Unscheduled air sampling in connection with the fire at the Arys station

IconPublished 09.08.2021

Due to the fire on August 06, 2021 at 17.20 hours of a cargo with yellow phosphorus on the platform of the Arys station, the monitoring laboratory of the branch of the RSE Kazhydromet in the Turkestan region left for Arys to perform unscheduled sampling and analysis of atmospheric air samples. The Nauryz microdistrict, where the fire occurred, is located in the south-western part of the city, on the outskirts. The population is 1,700 people, 340 houses. The concentrations of pollutants were measured using suspended solids, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, formaldehyde and ammonia at 6 points.
Point #1: Kazybek bi street, Central Square (near the railway station).
Point #2: Orkendeu street, md.Nauryz, the selection time is 14h:15 minutes.
Point #3: The northern part of the city.
Point No. 4:E. Moldabaev Secondary School, Madalieva Street.
Point #5: near the central district hospital, Zhumabayev Street.
Point No. 6: near the district akimat, Yerkobek street.
According to the measurement results, no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations were detected. The level of background radiation is also within the normal range.
For reference:
Yellow phosphorus is a very toxic (MPC in the air is 0.0005 mg/m3), a flammable crystalline substance from light yellow to dark brown in color. It does not dissolve in water, it is easily oxidized and self-ignites in air.
JSC " NC "Kazakhstan Temir Zholy" announced the preliminary cause of the fire in a freight car at the station in Arys: "according to the preliminary version, the shipper violated the technical conditions of loading. A commission to investigate the causes of the accident has been established in JSC "NC "KTZ" (https://ru.sputnik.kz/incidents/20210806/17798942/Zheltyy-fosfor-gorit-v-Arysi-v-KTZh-nazvali-predvaritelnuyu-prichinu-pozhara.html).

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