In 2018, serious changes began in the work to improve the environmental situation and develop environmental monitoring systems with maximum online access to the data obtained. RSE "Kazhydromet" launches a mobile application where data from all environmental posts are integrated. At that time, there were 140 of them in 45 localities. This reflected approximately 76% coverage of the entire territory of the country.
As you know, automatic stations allow monitoring around the clock in online mode, provide monitoring of the main pollutants of atmospheric air, quickly detect high and extremely high levels of pollution in the atmospheric air, which allows you to respond urgently to cases of pollution.
Within the framework of the" Action Plan for the period 2020-2024 to eliminate the identified problematic issues in the areas of "RSE" Kazhydromet " at its own expense provided for the purchase of 30 new stations in order to cover the monitoring of cities and villages in which observations were not carried out, to increase the awareness of State bodies for taking concrete measures to improve air quality.
Since August 1, 2021, an additional 30 automatic air quality monitoring stations and 7 manual sampling posts, which are automated, have been operating on the territory of Kazakhstan.
New posts are open:
- in Almaty region-Zharkent, Talgar village;
- Aktobe region-Khromtau, Kandyagash, Shubarshi village, Kenkiyak;
- Atyrau region – Atyrau, Zhanbai village, Makat, Inderborsky village, Ganyushkino;
- East Kazakhstan region-Ayagoz, Shemonaikha, Auezovo village (Bakyrchik);
- in the Karaganda region-Abay;
- in Kostanay region-Lisakovsk, Arkalyk, Zhitikara;
- in the Kyzylorda region – the city of Aral, the village of Shieli, Ayteke bi;
- in the Turkestan region-the city of Turkestan (3 posts), the village of Kyzyl-Sai (4 posts), Sastobe.
At the moment, the general atmospheric air monitoring network of RSE "Kazhydromet" includes 70 settlements and 170 environmental posts, which made it possible to achieve 100% coverage of the territory of Kazakhstan with atmospheric air monitoring.
The monitoring results are publicly available and updated hourly in the AirKz application and the Interactive Map of Atmospheric Air Quality in Kazakhstan.