During the decade, warm weather with precipitation was observed throughout the territory of Kazakhstan, precipitation fell for 1-3 days in the main grain-growing regions somewhat hindered the course of harvesting operations, good conditions for completing the harvesting of spring grain crops developed in the West Kazakhstan region. In the southern regions, meteorological conditions were generally favorable for the completion of harvesting operations in the mountainous and foothill areas of the Almaty region.
In the observed areas, the "full ripeness" phase was mainly noted on the crops of spring cereals, in some places "waxy ripeness". The condition of the plants is generally good and satisfactory, in some areas it is bad.
The condition of heat-loving crops (corn for grain, rice, soybeans,sugar beet, cotton) is good, feeding irrigation and water drainage from rice checks continue.
In the observed areas in the West Kazakhstan region, the condition of the safflower is good and satisfactory. The development phase is "harvesting ripeness", harvesting works are continuing.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 3rd decade of August 2021 can be found by clicking on the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/agrometeorology/kratkiy-obzor-agrometeorologicheskih-usloviy.