In accordance with the new Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Order of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 23, 2021 No. 267 approved the Rules for providing information by the National Hydrometeorological Service.
In accordance with the above Rules, the information received by the National Hydrometeorological Service as a result of the provision of services of national and international significance in the field of meteorological and hydrological monitoring, monitoring of the state of the environment is provided free of charge.
This decision will allow consumers-state bodies, mass media and other organizations of all forms of ownership, as well as individuals to get access to information from the National Hydrometeorological Service of Kazakhstan, which allows them to make timely management decisions aimed at minimizing damage from natural and natural phenomena.
The information is divided into two categories: general purpose and specialized.
General-purpose information is provided at the request of consumers without charging the cost of the requested information, and is also publicly available on the official website of RSE "Kazhydromet" and is available for download in certain categories. Basically, these are storm warnings about dangerous and natural disasters
Such warnings contain predictive meteorological and hydrological information about expected dangerous and natural hydrometeorological phenomena, as well as actual information about the beginning of dangerous and natural hydrometeorological phenomena in a particular territory.
In some cases, when requesting general-purpose information that requires sampling and additional analytical work (which causes additional labor costs), the National Hydrometeorological Service has the right to charge a fee for sampling and additional analytical work at prices approved in accordance with the procedure established by current legislation.
It should be noted that when distributing general-purpose information and storm meteorological and hydrological information in the mass media provided by RSE "Kazhydromet", a mandatory reference to the source of its receipt is given.
Specialized information-is provided by the NGMS at the request of consumers, taking into account the period, timing, type, volume and method of providing the requested information on the basis of contracts on a paid basis, according to prices approved in accordance with the established procedure, this information is obtained as a result of providing special-purpose services using data from the state monitoring network with additional monitoring not carried out within the framework of works of national and international significance.
The text of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Rules can be found by clicking on the link:,