Over the past decade, heavy precipitation was still observed in places on the predominant territory of the main grain-growing zone of Kazakhstan, which was not favorable for the completion of the harvesting campaign. More than half of the spring grain crops have been harvested in the republic. The observed frosts at night in the northern regions, in the west, in the center and in the east of the country up to minus 2-4°C (in some places up to minus 8°C) were not dangerous for the ripened grain of spring grain crops, but made it difficult to carry out harvesting in the morning.
Everywhere in the observed areas, the phase is marked: "full ripeness", the condition of spring wheat crops is good and satisfactory.
At the observed sites in the vicinity of the Narynkol stations of the Raiymbek district in the Almaty region, the condition of spring wheat is everywhere good, the "full ripeness" phase is noted.
The condition of heat-loving crops (corn, rice, soybeans, sugar beet, cotton) is mostly good, in some places it is excellent in some areas. The development phase is "full ripeness", the harvesting of corn for grain has begun on the plots in the vicinity of the Talgar agricultural post. In the vicinity of the Sarykemir agricultural post of the Bayzak district and the Assa stations of the Zhambyl district of the Zhambyl region, the "closing of row spacing" phase was noted on beet crops, feeding irrigation was started (Assa station). In the observed areas, the condition of soybeans is everywhere excellent and good. Development phase "1st and 2nd stage of maturation".
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of September 2021 can be found by clicking on the link https://www.kazhydromet.kz/ru/agrometeorology/kratkiy-obzor-agrometeorologicheskih-usloviy.