A grassroots snowstorm is predicted

IconPublished 27.10.2021

In the coming days, with the Northern Cyclone and the passage of atmospheric fronts, the unstable nature of the weather remains in most of Kazakhstan – precipitation in the form of rain and snow, wind strengthening is expected, in the northern and central regions of the country with a snowstorm and ice, heavy precipitation is expected on October 28-29 in the mountainous areas of the south and southeast. Fog is also expected in the republic. Fluctuation of air temperature in the west at night from 5 frost-6 heat to 0-8 heat, during the day the main background is 5-15 heat, in the northwest, north at night fluctuation from 3-8 frost to 3 frost-5 heat, during the day a slight decrease from 3-10 to 0-8 heat, in the center at night a slight increase from 5-10 to 3-8 frost, during the day fluctuation from 0-10 to 2-13 heat, in the east at night fluctuation from 0-7 frost to 0-5 heat, during the day from 2-13 to 5-15 heat, in the south at night the main background of 5 frost-8 heat, during the day it is 7-15 degrees Celsius, in the south-east of the country at night there is a slight decrease from 2-8 to 0-5 degrees celsius, during the day there is a fluctuation from 10-18 to 7-15 degrees celsius.

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