Advisory weather forecast for November 2021

IconPublished 01.11.2021

November is the last month of autumn, the pre-winter season.
At the beginning of the first decade in the north, east and center of Kazakhstan, from November 03 in the southern regions of the country, at the end of the decade - in the northwestern half of the republic with the passage of atmospheric fronts precipitation is expected in the form of rain and snow, with fogs, icy phenomena, increased wind (in the northern half with a snowstorm).
On November 03-04, most of the republic will be under the influence of a vast cold anticyclone shifting from the Kara Sea areas, frosty really winter weather is forecast (except for the western regions) with a decrease in air temperature:
- in the west of Kazakhstan at night from 0,+8 °C to -5+2 °C, during the day from +10+18 °C to 0,+10 °C;
- in the north-western half, in the center and in the east of the country at night from -5+5 °C to -5-15 ° C, in the extreme east to -20 ° C, during the day from +2+8 °C to -3-10 °C;
- in the south and south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan at night from -3+5 °C to -1-13 ° C, during the day from +10+16 ° C to -5+3 ° C.
But from the middle of the period, a gradual increase in the temperature background is expected.
In the first half of the second decade, the weather in most of Kazakhstan will be determined by a northwestern cyclone, and therefore an unstable weather pattern is expected: precipitation will again occur (mainly in the form of snow), with gusty winds, a blizzard. Then, with the penetration of cold air masses from the ETR regions, a decrease in the temperature background is expected at the end of the second, at the beginning and at the end of the third decade.
In the north, northwest, east and center of the republic, on the coldest days, the thermometer columns may drop to -17-25 °C at night, to -8-13 °C during the day, and in the west, south and southeast of the country - to –5-17°C at night, to -2-7 °C during the day.
With the weakening of frosts in the northern half of the country during the daytime, the air temperature will be within weakly positive values, in the southern half the air will warm up to +3 +12 ° C.

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