In the first decade of March in the south, south-east of the republic in the areas of cultivation of winter crops, the temperature background was mainly higher than normal by 1 ... 9C, in the west by 2 ... 4C, precipitation fell everywhere more than normal.
In the observed sites in the Turkestan region, the resumption of vegetation of winter crops is noted. The phase of development of winter wheat "shoots" - "3rd leaf", plant height 4-17 cm. The condition of the crops is assessed as good, the average number of plants per 1 m2 reaches 148-332 pcs. The condition of alfalfa grasses is mostly good, in the vicinity of the Bugun Ordabasinsky and Ekpendy Baydibek districts is satisfactory, the development phase is "stem growth". The height of alfalfa grasses reached up to 5 cm .
The minimum soil temperature at the depth of the tillering node (3cm) of winter wheat was from 0C to minus 2C in the Almaty region, 0C in the Zhambyl region and plus 1...4C in the Turkestan region.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of March 2022 can be found by following the link