Seasonal weather forecast for the warm half-year from April to October 2022 on the territory of Kazakhstan

IconPublished 17.03.2022

The seasonal weather forecast is a description of the averaged meteorological parameters (air temperature and precipitation) expressed as a deviation (anomaly) from the climatic values (norm) for the considered season.
The seasonal forecast for the half-year is made twice a year
• * October 15 for the cold half-year (November-March),
• March 15 for the warm half-year (April-October).
The seasonal forecast is updated 4 times a year: forecasts for winter, spring, summer and autumn.

In April, almost throughout the country, the average monthly air temperature is expected to be 1-2 degrees above normal, in the eastern part of the republic - about normal.
However, in spring, the weather can bring winter surprises, because during the transition season, synoptic processes are extremely unstable. With the influx of cold air masses, blizzards with snowfall can also roam mainly in the northern regions, and with the Arctic incursions of anticyclones in the southern regions, frosts are likely.
 In May, the average monthly air temperature in most of the republic is expected to be around the multi-year norm. In a number of regions, on May days, the air temperature is more often expected to be below the climatic norm by 1 ° - in the northern, central and eastern regions of the country, this will be due to the influx of cold air masses from the regions of Siberia.
In the first two months of summer - in June and July in most of the republic, the average monthly air temperature is predicted to be 1-2 ° above normal. In August, the temperature background is expected to be within the climatic norm in most regions of Kazakhstan, above the norm by 1 ° is expected only in the northern regions of the country.
The first autumn months will still please us with warm weather. In September, the average monthly air temperature in most of Kazakhstan is forecast to be above the norm by 1 °, only in the western half, in the far north, in the mountainous foothill areas of the south, southeast and east of the republic, the air temperature is expected to be about normal. In October, in most of the country, the average monthly air temperature will be about normal, above normal by 1 ° is predicted in the south-west and north-west of the Republic of Kazakhstan.  
In April, June, September and October, precipitation is forecast to be less than normal in most of Kazakhstan, in May, July and August – about normal. In July in the extreme south-east of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in August in the mountainous and foothill areas of the south, south-east and east of Kazakhstan, precipitation is expected to exceed the climatic norm.

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