In the southern half of Kazakhstan, against the background of positive air temperatures and abundant precipitation, the active vegetation of winter wheat and perennial grasses (alfalfa, esparcet) has begun.
In the observed areas, the condition of winter wheat is good, the phase of development "shoots" - "tillering". The height of plants reaches from 6 cm to 19 cm, the number of plants per 1m2 reaches 182-332 pcs.
In the West Kazakhstan region, in the areas of winter grain crops cultivation, the minimum air temperature during the decade dropped to minus 21 ...25 ° C, the temperature on the soil surface to minus 27...29 ° C, which, with uneven distribution or absence of snow cover, was unfavorable for underdeveloped winter grain crops.
The condition of alfalfa grasses is mostly good, in some places satisfactory, the height of the grasses reaches 2-11 cm. The phase of development "stem growth".
On the observed sites in the Zhambyl region in the vicinity of Kulan stations of the T.Ryskulov district, after preliminary tillage, spring barley was sown.
In the second decade of March, the values of the air temperature anomaly in most of the pasture livestock were negative, in the south and south-eastern regions positive.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 2nd decade of March 2022 can be found by following the link