Warm and windy

IconPublished 28.03.2022

In the last days of March, the depression of the North-Western cyclone will cause unstable weather, precipitation will take place almost throughout the republic: on March 29 in the north, northwest, center, south and southeast in mountainous areas, on March 30 in the east of the country heavy precipitation (rain, snow) is expected. Fog, ice, wind strengthening up to 15-28 m/s are expected in the republic, very strong gusty winds of 30 m/s and more are expected in the north, south, in the north, east, in the center of the country with a blizzard. A gradual increase in air temperature is expected: at night in the northern half of the republic up to 6 frost ... 2 heat, in the southern half of the country - an air temperature fluctuation up to 5 frost...5 heat, in the afternoon the air temperature is expected to rise in the west, southwest and south of the country up to 10...20 heat, in the north of the republic up to 2...8 heat, in the east and in the center of the republic up to 3... 11 heat.

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