Brief agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of April 2022

IconPublished 14.04.2022

In Almaty, Zhambyl and Turkestan regions, the prevailing warm weather with light precipitation was favorable for the growth and development of winter and fruit crops and the beginning of sowing of spring cereals, corn and cotton, as well as for replenishing moisture reserves in the soil. The increase in air temperature in the northern half of the country has accelerated the melting of snow in the fields and thawing of the soil. 
At the observation sites, the condition of winter wheat in the south of the country is good, the phase of development "shoots" - "stalking", height from 6 to 22 cm. In Turkestan (MS Shymkent) and Zhambyl (AMP Kordai) regions, wheat fertilization with nitrogen fertilizers and treatment with herbicides against weeds have begun. 
In the observed areas in Zhambyl region, spring barley sowing continues, in Almaty and Turkestan regions, after preliminary tillage, sowing has begun. In early barley crops, the phase of development "shoots" – "tillering" is noted, the condition of the plants is excellent and good. 
In the southern regions, the condition of alfalfa, esparcet and clover grasses is good and satisfactory, the height reaches up to 27 cm. Fruit crops (cherry, raspberry, apple tree) have a phase of development "swelling of the kidneys" - "the appearance of inflorescences". In the gardens around the stations of the Ecic of the Almaty region, apple tree branches were pruned and treated with pesticides.
More information about the agrometeorological review for the 1st decade of April 2022 can be found by following the link

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