About the causes of the smell of smoke in the capital 

IconPublished 18.04.2022

A thick smog was observed in Nur-Sultan on April 18, 2022, the environmental monitoring posts of RSE "Kazhydromet" recorded the following exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants:

1) for hydrogen sulfide: 38 cases of exceeding within 1.1-3.2 MPC  
2) according to RM-2,5 (dust): 76 cases at the level of 1.1 – 2.2 MPC;
3) according to RM-10 (dust): 7 cases at the level of 1.1-1.2 MPC;
4) for nitrogen oxide: 30 cases of exceeding within 1.0-2.5 MPC;
5) for nitrogen dioxide: 53 cases of exceeding within 1.1-3.6 MPC
The most polluted area of post No. 5 (Turan Avenue 2/1) for nitrogen dioxide, for hydrogen sulfide in the area of post No. 8 (mkr.Koktal), along PM2.5 in the area of post No. 6 (Akzhol street) and No. 7 St.Turkestan.

Monitoring of the state of atmospheric air in the city of Nur-Sultan is carried out at 10 stationary posts, of which 6 are automatic and 4 are manual sampling posts.
According to the NASA map, fires were observed in Pavlodar and North Kazakhstan regions on April 16-17. These fires could have an impact on the smoke observed in the capital today. 

Synoptic situation:
According to the forecast, unstable weather is expected in the coming days, precipitation will mainly rain, on April 18, 20-21, wind is expected to increase to 15-20 m/s.  A gradual increase in air temperature to 5...7 degrees Celsius is predicted at night, a decrease in temperature from 15...17 to

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