It will get warmer sharply 

IconPublished 25.04.2022

In the coming days, weather management will switch to an anticyclone, which will contribute to the cessation of precipitation and active warming of air masses: during the day in the north of the country from 13-18 to 20-25 heat, in the center from 8-18 to 15-23 heat, in the south from 18-28 to 23-30 heat, in the west the temperature background will be 20-28 heat, in the east 10-18 heat, and in the south-the east is 17-25 degrees Celsius. Only in the west and in the mountainous and foothill regions of the republic, with the passage of atmospheric frontal sections, there will be rains with thunderstorms. Fog is expected in the center, in the east and in the mountainous regions at night and in the morning, in the south, southwest of Kazakhstan, wind strengthening with a dust storm.

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