Today, Kazhydromet RSE of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan and BINOM EDUCATION LLP signed a memorandum of cooperation.
The main purpose of the memorandum is interaction in the field of environmental protection based on the principles of voluntariness, openness and parity, guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Also, one of the goals is to create a system of scientifically based measures aimed at preparing young people for choosing a profession. In addition, within the framework of the memorandum, both sides have drawn up an agreement on the involvement of young specialists: ecologists and hydrologists.
The main areas of cooperation are:
• Joint participation in projects, programs, events (round tables, seminars, media appearances, conferences, research, etc.) carried out within the framework of environmental monitoring issues in Kazakhstan;
• Consultations, exchange of experience, advanced technologies for obtaining environmental information about the state of the environment;
• Development of joint programs on topical environmental issues, the implementation of which is carried out in accordance with the procedure determined by the Parties.
The parties have determined that the forms of cooperation between them can be joint meetings, programs, projects, events, seminars, conferences, round tables on environmental issues and research.