On July 5, 2022, the first regional online seminar organized by the Company of Innovative Water and Environmental Solutions (IWES) took place. This seminar is held within the framework of the SNOW-CA project – Improving the monitoring of snow accumulation and snowmelt in Central Asia. The aim of the project is to test an improved approach to monitoring water equivalent and snowmelt, developed earlier. The project allows us to test this approach in five river catchments of Central Asia and create an effective snowmelt monitoring system for selected river basins. The results of the project will be available to all hydrometeorological services – these are daily updated spatial maps, snow cover heights and water equivalent of snow, including statistical data that representatives of hydrometeorological countries participating in the project will be able to use in everyday life.
All participants of the seminar, from Kazakhstan, were attended by employees of RSE "Kazhydromet", demonstrated their own presentations on activities, exchanged their developments and achievements in the field of monitoring and forecasting snowmelt in their region.