In the permanent category, covering the work of regional branches, repairs and achievements for the year – Kostanay branch.
In 2021, the Branch of the Kostanay region is systematically working to improve the state of the observation network.
• In 2020, 4 hydrological posts were opened.
• In 2021, 5 river and 2 lake hydrological posts were opened on the Tobol-g rivers. Zhitikara, R.Tobol-S. Vvedenka, R. Tobol-S. Molodezhnoye and R. Kundyzdy-S. Novoselovka.
• In 2021, the branch buildings were overhauled.
• The laboratory premises, after major repairs, have been brought into compliance with the requirements of the Rules for the Use of Facilities and Premises in the sphere of trafficking in Narcotic Drugs and Precursors, as well as sanitary standards.
• The laboratory of the Kostanay branch has: a surface water analysis hall, an atmospheric air analysis hall, a weighing room, an engineering room, a washing room, a warehouse for materials and reagents, a warehouse for precursors, a warehouse for storing inventory (TMZ).
• In May 2021, AQM-09 environmental posts were installed in Lisakovsk, Zhitikara and Arkalyk.
• At the beginning of June 2021, the branch conducted joint selections with the Russian side at the cross-border hydrological posts of Milyutinka and Varvarinka with representatives of the hydrometeorological services of the Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions, and representatives of the Republican State Institution (RSU) "Department of Ecology for the Kostanay Region" took part in the selection.
• In 2022, joint selections are planned for the summer period.
• In July 2021, measuring instruments were replaced at automatic agricultural posts (AMP): the relative humidity and air temperature sensor by 3 AMP, and the combined wind direction and speed sensors were replaced by 5 AMP.