In the permanent category, covering the work of regional branches, repairs and achievements for the year – a branch in the East Kazakhstan region.
The branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in the East Kazakhstan region is one of the largest, and combines work in two areas – East Kazakhstan and Abai. In the branch, meteorological monitoring is carried out at 30 meteorological stations (MS), hydrological monitoring is carried out at 64 hydro posts (GP), monitoring of atmospheric air pollution at 28 stationary posts. Monitoring of surface water quality by hydrochemical indicators in 2021-2022 is carried out on 11 rivers, 2 reservoirs and 2 lakes.
•In 2021-22, current repairs were carried out at MS Semiyarka, Shar, Ulken-Naryn, Seleznevka and Aksuat.
•Mobile buildings have been installed at MS Samarka, Shalabay, Kurshim, Zyryanovsk and Leninogorsk.
•During the reporting period, the repair of environmental and hydrometeorological devices was carried out.
•The necessary equipment and devices for MS operation have been purchased: psychrometric booths with stands and ladders, booths for recorders with ladders, Tretyakov sedimentometers, thermographs, permafrost meters, rack decking has been replaced.
•Reference points and signage are installed at the new hydraulic posts.
•In 2021, 10 tents, 20 sleeping bags with carimats and 25 sets of thermal underwear were purchased and delivered to snow-measuring routes.
•In 2021, more than 50% of employees on the network are provided with new workwear.
•Seasonal work training was conducted at new hydraulic posts.
• Scheduled visits to control leveling and inspections at 63 hydraulic posts were carried out.
•For 2021-2022, in the pre-flood period, together with the staff of the Akimat, Kazselezashchita and the Emergency Department of the East Kazakhstan Region, 4 visual aerial surveys of the most dangerous areas of the region for spring flooding were conducted.
•Monitoring of atmospheric air in Ust-Kamenogorsk during emergencies and on days with NMU (adverse weather conditions) is carried out with the help of a mobile laboratory.