In the section on coverage of work – branch in Almaty

IconPublished 20.07.2022

In the permanent category, covering the work of regional branches, repairs and achievements for the year – branch in Almaty

In the branch of RSE "Kazhydromet" in Almaty, meteorological monitoring is carried out at 20 meteorological stations (MS), 15 automatic AMS, 2 agricultural posts, 1 aerological station, 40 hydrological posts, 2 snow-avalanche stations (SLS), 5 hard-to-reach stations (TDS), 7 snow-measuring routes. Atmospheric air monitoring is carried out at 16 environmental posts and 2 mobile laboratories.

• In 2021-22, repair and restoration works of MS Esik, MS Zhanalash, repair of the service mobile house of MS Kapshagai were carried out.
• Ongoing repairs were carried out on the facade of the Administrative Building and the interior.
• The current repair of the laboratory premises has been completed.
• In 2021, repairs were carried out at 2 hydrological posts of the Kishi river in Almaty - the Tuyuksu Alpbase.
• Work has been carried out to replace the roof of the office and residential building of the SLS OUA.
• Work has been carried out on the installation of water supply for the Shymkent SLS.
• The mobile house of MS Kyrgyzsay has been transferred.
• A mobile house was purchased at the GP of the Karkara River – at the exit from the mountains.
• Work has been carried out on the transfer and installation of 3 AMS from the Akmola region to the tourist areas of the Almaty region (AMS Kolsai - Saty village, AMS Sharyn and AMS Turgen).
• Work has been completed on the transfer and installation of the Olympic Village AMC in the Enbekshikazakh district (Ashybulak village).
• Since January 2021, a cross-border GP of the Narynkol River - Narynkol village has been opened with the People's Republic of China.
• Leveling of all water measuring devices has been performed.
• A Delta device is installed at seven weather stations to make observations of soil moisture.
• Since January 2021, gas analyzers for the determination of Ozone (O3) have been installed at 4 automatic posts;
• In 2021, a liquid chromatograph of the Lumachrom brand was obtained for the determination of Benz(a)pyrene in atmospheric air and since January, monitoring has been carried out at manual posts to determine Benz(a)pyrene;
• In 2021, the YL6500GC gas chromatograph produced by YOUNG IN Chromass Co., Ltd, Korea was obtained.
• In March 2021, the laboratory of the branch was tested by NCA LLP;
• In May 2021, coordinated water sampling was carried out on the Korgas River. - Baskunchi village, Almaly-su border outpost. Sampling was carried out on the border of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China;
• Since July 2021, in addition, observations on nitrogen oxide have been started at manual posts.
• In the cities of Almaty and Talgar, compact automatic sensors for monitoring atmospheric air quality are installed, the device detects and operates in a continuous mode for 6 components (suspended particles – PM 2.5, PM 10, (dust) nitrogen oxide and dioxide, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide).

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