According to calculations, the maturation time of grain crops in Kazakhstan is expected mainly around the average annual values.
In the western regions, the timing of spring grain crops is expected mainly near and later than long-term values, depending on the sowing period.
In the Chingirlau and Terekta districts of the West Kazakhstan region, the "wax ripeness" phase is expected earlier than usual.
In the Martuk, Khromtau and Kargaly districts of the Aktobe region later than the average annual dates. In the northern regions, mainly the ripening of spring crops will occur in early August, on late crops in the second half of August, in the Tselinograd district of Akmola region at the end of July - before the long-term dates.
In the east and in the center of the country, mainly in early August, in Urzhar and Ulan districts of East Kazakhstan region and in Nurinsky and Abay districts of Karaganda region at the end of July.
The maturation period of spring grain crops may come earlier under the condition of severe atmospheric and soil drought. Usually, high air temperatures accelerate maturation, and low temperatures slow down or stop the supply of nutrients to the grain.
All agrometeorological forecasts of RSE "Kazhydromet" are available on the website