The first seminar for weather forecasters and IT specialists

IconPublished 25.08.2022

From August 25 to 30, 2022, the first seminar for weather forecasters and IT specialists on the development of the COSMO-CA numerical forecast system and the use of their results will be held in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The seminar is attended by specialists of the National Hydrometeorological Services of the Central Asian countries (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan), our country is represented by employees of the RSE "Kazhydromet".
At the week-long seminar, participants will discuss the current state of high-detail numerical prediction systems, including configurations of COSMO and ICON models of Automatic notification Systems. They will also study warnings about dangerous phenomena based on web technologies.
The audience will also be shown an updated version of MeteoAlert-CA (warning map), its new features, as well as practical techniques for weather forecasters to work with this system and its further development.
The main point of the training will be a review of products based on the experience of operating COSMO model configurations for the Eurasian Region. As well as a demonstration of the experience of the development of the site of the prognostic center, in terms of informing about the current weather, storm alerts, short-term forecasts (including numerical) and video consultations of forecasters.

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