Kazhydromet has received an international expert assessment

IconPublished 14.09.2022

The World Bank, together with the Central Institute of Meteorology and Geodynamics (ZAMG) of Austria, conducted a remote expert assessment of Kazhydromet RSE.
The analysis focused on ten different elements of the hydrometeorological service: management and structure, infrastructure for observations, data and product management, application of numerical modeling tools and much more.
In general, the assessment showed that Kazhydromet RSE has a stable status, a large number of educated and trained employees, reliable technical infrastructure, operating working procedures and methods.
Experts noted that the development of the observation network in Kazhydromet is carried out based on the specific needs of the country's economic sectors, the climate of different regions, the physical and geographical diversity of the territory.   
- The recommendations of the inspection party were divided into three main categories, indicating areas where Kazhydromet should strengthen its work.
- The first is to be active in promoting your products, to focus on the development of new demand–oriented products. Strengthen interaction with potential users and strengthen customer orientation.   
- The second is to become more active in the international arena, strengthen interaction and cooperation with various international organizations, get more actively acquainted with all the events and developments in the global hydrometeorological community.
 And the third recommendation concerns the scientific infrastructure, which requires constant training and improvement of the knowledge of employees in addition to technical equipment.

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