Kazhydromet RSE issues a weekly Bulletin on the Caspian Sea.

IconPublished 02.09.2022

Kazhydromet RSE issues a weekly Bulletin on the Caspian Sea. The Bulletin provides an overview of the state of sea level over the past period https://www.kazhydromet.kz/.../ezhenedelnyy-obzor ... sea level forecast for five days. Prognostic values of the sea run-up phenomena at various points of the Kazakhstan coast of the Caspian Sea.

When predicting dangerous values of sea-level run-up fluctuations, employees of the Zhaiyk-Caspian Interregional Basin Fisheries Inspection, together with representatives of interested state and local executive bodies, will strengthen monitoring of the coastal territory in order to prevent mass death of fish resources and other aquatic animals.

In the photo, a satellite image of the northern part of the Caspian Sea, August 30, 2022 (A snapshot of the NASA project).

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